
Transecting deep into the recesses,

Stumbling upon a place – ever so familiar

Which once the mind and soul

Felt to be, Lost to the ages

A glimmering glimpse of yesteryear

Or even tomorrow

But the blowing tides

They eventually brought it back within

Renewing a sense of familiarity

The distant taste with slight hints

Of yesterday’s rumblings

Now beckoning with a new perspective

The heart with it’s stern knowing

A wise Keeper,

Secrets of the times

And flowing forward with confidence

Hope abounding, free flowing

Those magical mysteries, lighting up our souls

A Blessing Bestowed.

© Sima Pendharkar March 2015


psychedleic sunset

Psychedelic Sunset, photo credit to

Let the leaves that blow

Move you up,

Up and away

As you sail straight ahead

Walk with a smile

Holding your head towards the horizon

Let it’s orange warmth

Touch your heart as it may

Illuminating your wishes,

Lighting your smile

Allowing you to pray

And Letting you play

Always Walk into the Sunshine,

And forever,

That is where you will stay.

© Sima Pendharkar September 2014